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Writer. Author. Storyteller.

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“I think new writers are too worried that it has all been said before. Sure it has, but not by you." Asha Dornfest

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Author: Helen A. Williams


Helen A. Williams was born in South Bend, Indiana and spent her formative years in Durham, North Carolina. A southern girl at heart, she loves books, music, traveling and collecting gemstones. Although she has always been an avid reader, she is new to creative writing and the art of story telling. It has awakened her creative sensibilities and provides a balance to the structured environment of her day job. Her characters often encounter issues of love, fear and transformation after loss. She recently completed her first novel and is ready to share her own story with the world at large.

Blue agate gemstones are known for providing calming, positive and uplifting energy. She hopes her writing will do the same.

Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Howard University. She resides in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC.

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Donna Devine's Discontent

Coming Soon!

~When your life’s purpose is unclear and you can’t find your way, find a quiet space to listen and stay above the fray. ~

Donna Devine's Discontent is a story set in the early 1990's. A restless spirit comes into her own after some hard truths and realizations: Everything is not always “black and white” and nothing and no one is ever “perfect.”

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